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In Bortrum there is only one type of animal and they are called chimaera. They can shape shift into any animal they like in a matter of seconds. If a chimaera is in dog shape it will only eat dog food, if it is in dolphin shape it will only eat fish and so on for all transformations. They are very loyal to any Barsol that tames them and feeds them. They will aid their master in any duty or task they have and will never betray him. The best part about chimaera is that they don’t only transform into existing animals, they can become any living lifeform (apart from Barsols and plants), like dinosaurs, dragons, extinct animals, and crosses between different animals.

Plants in Bortrum are very productive and big. A simple apple tree in Bortrum can produce up to 9 apples daily every day of the year, this is due to their very favorable temperatures and their extremely fertile soil. The biggest trees there can reach a height of up to 97 meters, a diameter of 3 meters and an age of 1,250 years. There are also smaller plants like flowers, they can have up to 6 colors in one and each flower has different colors. There are fly traps that attract chimaera in any insect shape, there is poisonous ivy and normal ivy that cling to the trees. But the weirdest plant there is, is called Wirbel, it looks like a dragon and grows to 15 meters tall and they reach a maximum age of 45 years, the difference is that instead of spitting fire, it spits freezing water.

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