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The Barsols believed in gods, they think gods are responsible for creation, destruction and balance. The Barsols don't have such a wide variety of gods like the Greeks and the Romans did, they only have 5 major ones. The first and most powerful of all is the god of destruction. He looks like a giant made of gold. He has the power to destroy anything in Bortrum, and the other gods fear him because of this, so they made a special place using all of their powers joined to confine the god of destruction. Thanks to this Bortrum is still standing today. The second god is the god of creation, he looks like an angel in white armor with huge wings. He is responsible for the creatin of the universe and all of its beings. Third is the god of balance, he has an armor made of bronze, sheets that cover him below his waist, and he uses lightning bolts as his weapon. This god is responsible for maintaining balance between all living things, he doesn't allow the Barsols to exceed themselves in hunting for they might end up extincting many species like us humans. Fourth is the god of vegetation, he has antlers and his hair is composed of pine tree leaves and he is all green. He is responsible for maintaining the forests and the jungles green and healthy. And last but not least, the ocean god; he is a merman with wings like a bat's and his head looks like and octopus. He is responsible for maintaining the levels of oil in the oceans balanced and protecting sea creatures. He is also responsible for any hurricanes and tsunamis that occur in Bortrum.


The Barsols have two ways of communicating, telepathycaly and the power of speech, and they use both. To speak they emit sounds very similar to humans, several of the words they use are pronounced like English and other words are just grunted sounds. They also use their eyes and mouth to make expressions to communicate emotions. This they use more frequently when they are near a Bortrumian with which they can communicate, since they do not manage to emit strong sounds, when they communicate with sounds they are in low tone. For this reason the language that they mostly use and dominate is telepathy. With the use of their telepathy, they have the power to communicate with other Barsols that are away from them at any distance, even when they travel outside of their planet to exchange or buy with other aliens they can connect with other Barsoles that stayed Is Bortrum telepathically and ask them to buy or ask for suggestions, as long as they can think about the person they want to talk to and maintain the telepathic link open. Bortumian written language is very different from the written languages ​​we use here on earth, they actually only use symbols like hashtags and dollar signs to write. They have different symbols that each represent a letter, and when they put certain symbols together they form words that are only used in writing! For example, # is the equivalent of a B on earth and $ is the equivalent of N. If you join the symbols # ++ $ it means "been" on earth. This is how Barsols communicate in writing.


In Bortrum the type of government is monarchy. The current king is called Zorgon and his wife, the queen, is called Zumina. They have 2 kids, a boy called Lunder and a girl called Zorlette. If the king were to die, his oldest son would take his throne. Women can't be queens unless the are married to the king, they aren't allowed to take their father's throne.

There is also a group of people called the senate made of old wise males, that help the king take decisions at hearings. The king holds hearings every 4 Bortrumian days to talk about problems and advancements in the society. The whole city has the right to vote, gender doesn't matter, so the king could see their opinion over any decisions to be made.But, the king is still the most powerful Barsol in the planet, so he always has the final word in hearings. For example, if the senate and the city want to build a new building, but the king says no, there is nothing to be done, you simply can't build it just because the king says so.

The queen doesn't have a saying in politics and governmental issues, the only thing she can do is give advice or suggestions to her king. 

The king has a trained army of approximately 795,000 warships and 3,000 war robots, used to deffend the planet, or attack any planet they wanted to exterminate or conquer. For this reason the Barsols live at peace, their army is so big and powerful that other planets fear them.



Bortrum has two trading partners, one planet is called Carimol and the other is Talipeg. Bortrum has many different gems found in its mines like Karcidurum, which in a human hardness scale is a 17, and Gariumin Which is a type of crystal that can generate energy. The Karcidurum is used to make drills and weapons so that they are unbreakable and the Gariumin is used in factories to produce electricity for houses and Inventions. Calisombu, which is another type of mineral, is used as jewelry by the Barsols. They make pretty necklaces and fancy bracelets. They also use it to decorate the walls and ceilings of living spaces.

 Thanks to all the plains that Bortrum has, it has many, many, big farms that produce vegetables and fruits. Thanks to this Bortrum has a very exuberant amount of fruits and vegetables. These are things that Carimol and Talipeg don't have because they exhausted their natural resources by not taking care of them. This way Bortrum became a very rich planet because its trading partners depended on it for food. In exchange Bortrum got the only thing they didn't have, metals. Bortrum is very rich in minerals, crystals, food, and oil, but they don't have metals, so Bortrum traded this with its trading partners so it could make warships and guns. This is why Bortrum has so many ships and deffenses, it is so rich and it is so easy for them to trade metals, that they can make up to 1,000 ships daily. making Bortrum very powerful because they've got access to any resource they desire whenever they want it to make anything they'd like.



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