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In Bortrum Half of the world (one hemisphere) is like one major city where everyone is in a huzztle and everything is very noisy.The biome the city stands in is a plain but there aren't any landscapes or natural things to see there except big parks and a few lakes and rivers. Now, the other half, is where all the vegetation is. This half is mostly jungle and forest biome, but oceans and deserts also exist. The jungles have humongous trees that can have a hight of up to 97 meters! These trees are called Cardums and many of the native animals rest on the tree branches. There are many long vines protruding from the tree where the animals swing and play together. In the forest biome the trees arent as big and tall as in the jungle. Vegetation is less dense but this meens that there is more space for other activities like nesting/mating. The forest is where animals usually mate in Bortrum because they have a lot of space and have many twigs and sticks to make nests. The oceans in Bortrum, as I mentioned in the Intro, were made of oil instead of water. This contributed widely to the advancement and developement of the Barsols because it gave them an infinite fuel source (They also had the water cycle, but with oil). The deserts, atlast, are the only biome in Bortrum that isn't very productive, the only major thing Barsols get from there is sand to make glass and other stuff.


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